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Ironman - the goal always in focus

Our colleague Rainer Schuff has qualified to take part in Ironman Hawaii 2022 and thus fulfilled a big dream. Only a few athletes manage to qualify for this triathlon competition. And this is quite understandable, because swimming 3.86 km in open waters, then cycling 180.2 km and finishing with a 42.2 km marathon run are an enormous challenge for the body and willpower.

Good preparation, good technique, optimally coordinated training, a lot of stamina, experience and a high level of commitment are the guarantees for Rainer's sporting success. And it is precisely these attributes that he can also draw on very well in his job, as he is responsible for plant planning and detailed construction in our organization. Especially in the areas of virtual worlds and 3D laser scanning, he is one of the experts par excellence, whose efforts ensure that our customers receive custom-fit solutions for their requirements.

Gebr. Pfeiffer is looking forward to the spectacle in Hawaii with Rainer and supports the athlete in achieving his sports goals.

We congratulate Rainer for the outstanding achievement of the Ironman qualification and are all already eagerly awaiting the event held in the youngest American state.